We drove down interstate 75 yesterday with many snowbirds seeking warmer weather. We found it as we had to turn on the air conditioner as soon as we started setting up. The Fam Camp here at MacDill is huge with hundreds of big rigs in the park. There is a boat marina nearby, the smell of salt water in the air, walking along the waterfront, and activities planned for almost every night. They had a RV Christmas decoration contest so the park is certainly festive. The full hook up sites were taken so we are in the overflow with only electricity and water connections. That's just fine since the bath house is nearby and quite nice. Think we should probably just stay here until they kick us out.
After setting up yesterday afternoon we went over to Marianne and Kevin's house for a short visit with Jackson. He has grown so much and has a head full of curly hair. I am sporting a slight cold with congestion so I really did not want to get too close to him. Today is his first birthday and I am debating on whether to stay away from him today as I recover. His birthday will be celebrated with a party on Jan 1st, and I want us all to be well for the celebration.
We think it will be fun to stay in Tampa for a few months. This lifestyle is awesome - enjoy the serenity of the country and then enjoy the hub bub of the "big city." Life is Good Today.
On a sad note my mother's last sister passed away early Monday morning. Aunt Evelyn always had a quick wit and a devilish twinkle in her eye. She made the best out of everything. She spent her last years in a nursing home, and still managed to enjoy herself and find something to smile and sing about. We will miss her.
Billy and I (Jane) have been itching to travel the US in our travel trailer with our Toy Manchester dog, Maggie May. We began this journey with a light weight travel trailer and while enjoying the western United States stepped into traveling in our Mirada Motor Home. Blogging is the means we plan to use so that our family and friends may keep track of our whereabouts. Stay tuned as we explore, visit family and friends, and make many new friends along the way.
Maggie May
Maggie May
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas in Dixie
In spite of the cold we had a most wonderful Christmas with Caroline and the Paradise family. Kelly graciously invited the entire family over Christmas Eve evening to exchange gifts and eat some more of that awesome Southern cooking. Phil was about to excite away when he opened his new Nintendo DS and Lincoln joined right in on the fun of opening gifts and squealing with delight.
Brandon and Lori drove in at 7:00am Christmas morning so we were all present under the Christmas tree to see Phil wake up to discover that Santa had indeed arrived. Again, Lincoln joined in with the celebration and even forgot that he had a bottle overdue. After enjoying Caroline's quiche for breakfast we began to heat up the casseroles that Caroline had so thoughtfully prepared at Thanksgiving so that we wouldn't have to cook so much on Christmas morning. Yeah! Sam deep fried the turkey and Smithfield supplied the ham so we were set! Later on in the early evening it began to snow and I awoke every hour on the hour to look out the window at the snow.
Billy and I packed up the motor home in the snow and drove away at about 10:00 am. It took us over two hours to drive 50 miles before we were able to drive out of the snow. We were on snow covered roads that had not yet been driven on. After driving out of the snow we soon discovered that it is COLD in South Georgia and Alabama. We are staying at Pecan RV park in Dothan, AL for a few days and then heading to McDill Air Force Base in Tampa to be with Jackson on his first birthday.
One last note.....Maggie does not like the snow. We have to toss her out the front door to make her go outside. Getting ready to make a Wal-Mart run so "Life is Good Today!" Merry Christmas
Brandon and Lori drove in at 7:00am Christmas morning so we were all present under the Christmas tree to see Phil wake up to discover that Santa had indeed arrived. Again, Lincoln joined in with the celebration and even forgot that he had a bottle overdue. After enjoying Caroline's quiche for breakfast we began to heat up the casseroles that Caroline had so thoughtfully prepared at Thanksgiving so that we wouldn't have to cook so much on Christmas morning. Yeah! Sam deep fried the turkey and Smithfield supplied the ham so we were set! Later on in the early evening it began to snow and I awoke every hour on the hour to look out the window at the snow.
Billy and I packed up the motor home in the snow and drove away at about 10:00 am. It took us over two hours to drive 50 miles before we were able to drive out of the snow. We were on snow covered roads that had not yet been driven on. After driving out of the snow we soon discovered that it is COLD in South Georgia and Alabama. We are staying at Pecan RV park in Dothan, AL for a few days and then heading to McDill Air Force Base in Tampa to be with Jackson on his first birthday.
One last note.....Maggie does not like the snow. We have to toss her out the front door to make her go outside. Getting ready to make a Wal-Mart run so "Life is Good Today!" Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
THE Christmas Virus
Since my last post we have each, one by one, dropped out to endure the 24 hour virus that appears to be highly contagious. Wow! Hopefully that means that we will all be well for Christmas celebrating. I have to add that I walked into Caroline's house early yesterday morning and warned her to be very careful as her front steps were covered with ice. I enjoyed a hot cup of coffee there and then RUSHED out the door to our motor home so that Billy and I could go pick up the new camper shell for his truck. Rushed being the operative word and in the blink of an eye both of my feet flew out from under me and I came down on the edge of the steps straight across my already beleaguered back. Once I found enough breath to scream I began screaming for help. Caroline was running the vacuum and couldn't hear me, but Billy heard me loud and clear. Thankfully, no serious harm done. I am just extremely sore and stiff all over. For a time there I was sure that I would be spending Christmas day in the hospital as opposed to with my children.
Phil was a shepherd in the Sunday morning Christmas sermon at their church. He sang his little heart out, and I was so happy that we were here to share this with him. Brought tears to my eyes. Caroline and Sam went back to church Sunday evening for the Christmas Cantata and Santa's visit with the children. I stayed at home with a very tired Lincoln. Wouldn't take a million dollars for that experience. Caroline's house was decorated and she left with the Christmas lights all sparkling, candles lit, Christmas carols playing and a cuddly and sleepy little Lincoln wrapped up in my arms. I could have rocked and cuddled that precious bundle all night long, but didn't want to totally spoil him for Caroline and Sam.
I have officially discovered Trader Joe's. What a great store. Their Triple Ginger Cookies, granola, smoked salmon, almond butter and lots of other items are just to die for. Billy is out at the movie theatre with Phil right now enjoying Yogi Bear, but I plan on making one more trip to Trader Joe's before we leave here on Sunday. Hard to believe that we have been here five weeks. The time really flies by when I am with the kids. Caroline prepared the sweet potato casserole yesterday and began putting the ingredients together for good old-fashioned cornbread dressing. Many good smells mingling in this motor home.
Phil is the Shepherd to the left with the maroon shepherd's wrap.
Once again....."Life is Good Today!" Thank you so much for stopping by to visit.
Phil was a shepherd in the Sunday morning Christmas sermon at their church. He sang his little heart out, and I was so happy that we were here to share this with him. Brought tears to my eyes. Caroline and Sam went back to church Sunday evening for the Christmas Cantata and Santa's visit with the children. I stayed at home with a very tired Lincoln. Wouldn't take a million dollars for that experience. Caroline's house was decorated and she left with the Christmas lights all sparkling, candles lit, Christmas carols playing and a cuddly and sleepy little Lincoln wrapped up in my arms. I could have rocked and cuddled that precious bundle all night long, but didn't want to totally spoil him for Caroline and Sam.
I have officially discovered Trader Joe's. What a great store. Their Triple Ginger Cookies, granola, smoked salmon, almond butter and lots of other items are just to die for. Billy is out at the movie theatre with Phil right now enjoying Yogi Bear, but I plan on making one more trip to Trader Joe's before we leave here on Sunday. Hard to believe that we have been here five weeks. The time really flies by when I am with the kids. Caroline prepared the sweet potato casserole yesterday and began putting the ingredients together for good old-fashioned cornbread dressing. Many good smells mingling in this motor home.
Phil is the Shepherd to the left with the maroon shepherd's wrap.
Once again....."Life is Good Today!" Thank you so much for stopping by to visit.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A Few Rainy Days and Christmas Decorations
Caroline came home from work early yesterday morning sick as she could possibly be. She went straight to bed and "Big Daddy" and I went to the sitter's to pick up the boys. They were happy to see us there, and it was fun to pick Phil up and see him proudly bring home the miniature Christmas Tree he made for his mom! We stopped at Chicken Express and got dinner for the three of us and fed Lincoln some mashed potatoes and gravy. He REALLY liked that. We brought the boys back into the motor home and played until almost bedtime. A fun day was had by all but Caroline.
Caroline felt better today and went in to work. I had my laundry to do so I just did all of hers, also. Hope that helps her out just a little bit. I so remember having young children. My goal in life was to have the house clean, the laundry done, the car and dog washed and dinner on the table ALL AT THE SAME TIME! A lofty goal that I have never reached. Billy and I went to pick up a few things at Wally World today and I bowed my head in shame and bought some more Christmas decorations for the motor home. Bought four pages of clear window cellophane decals that press on the windows. It is a holiday decoration that is easy to store, looks good from the inside, but from the outside - well can you say "trailer trash?" LOL Tacky Christmas decorations and all "Life is (Still) Good Today" in GA.
Attached is a photo of Maggie barking at the minute hand on our clock. She just realized that it moves. She is a "ratter" dog and uses her sight to hunt, so I guess this means she is a good hunter. You can double left click on the photos to make them bigger.
Caroline felt better today and went in to work. I had my laundry to do so I just did all of hers, also. Hope that helps her out just a little bit. I so remember having young children. My goal in life was to have the house clean, the laundry done, the car and dog washed and dinner on the table ALL AT THE SAME TIME! A lofty goal that I have never reached. Billy and I went to pick up a few things at Wally World today and I bowed my head in shame and bought some more Christmas decorations for the motor home. Bought four pages of clear window cellophane decals that press on the windows. It is a holiday decoration that is easy to store, looks good from the inside, but from the outside - well can you say "trailer trash?" LOL Tacky Christmas decorations and all "Life is (Still) Good Today" in GA.
Attached is a photo of Maggie barking at the minute hand on our clock. She just realized that it moves. She is a "ratter" dog and uses her sight to hunt, so I guess this means she is a good hunter. You can double left click on the photos to make them bigger.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
It is Cold in North GA
We have been basically busy trying to stay warm and learn how to live in the motor home during cold weather. We had snow flurries here on Sunday and Monday; however, there was no accumulation. I tried to go to the Tanger Outlet Mall in Commerce, GA on Tuesday to do our Christmas shopping to no avail. Would rather give the kids money to shop after Christmas sales than waste money on something they don't need or like. SO - our Christmas shopping is done. Phil came home from school with the throw ups on Monday - hit almost every square inch of the car and splattered the bathroom walls. Caroline came home from school early this morning with the same bug and she has been in bed ever since. Much as I hate to say it, we are next. Just wrapped up in coat, gloves, hat and scarf and took the three dogs for a long walk. Now I am thinking I will call Ann Garrett (lived in Athens with us and now lives across the highway from Caroline) and ask her if I can help saddle up her horses to ride through the woods this weekend. It is so beautiful under these tall GA pines.
Just to let all know that I have done it again. I purchased three pages of window Christmas decals to adorn our motor home during the holidays. I stored them away somewhere in here where they would not become crinkled. I have turned the place upside down and can't find them anywhere. There are a limited number of hiding places so I will look once more. "Life is (still) Good Today!" even if our credit card has been compromised once again! How in the world do CRIMINALS get a credit card number that we don't even use?
Just to let all know that I have done it again. I purchased three pages of window Christmas decals to adorn our motor home during the holidays. I stored them away somewhere in here where they would not become crinkled. I have turned the place upside down and can't find them anywhere. There are a limited number of hiding places so I will look once more. "Life is (still) Good Today!" even if our credit card has been compromised once again! How in the world do CRIMINALS get a credit card number that we don't even use?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Oglethorpe County for Christmas parked in Caroline's Front Yard
I have been properly chastised for not keeping up with the blog. At the beginning of the week while we were still at Pointes West Army Resort Brandon and Caroline's Nana passed away. On the same day Caroline's day care manager's brother passed away leaving Caroline with nobody to keep the boys for the week. Big Daddy and Memaw to the rescue. We packed up the motor home and drove to Caroline's front yard. It was not as easy as it sounds as it was freezing cold and we thought our water was frozen. Also had a "chemical" spill inside the motor home that required two bottles of Lysol to clean. Two days without water (we used Caroline's inside) and a new water pump and we finally have running water again. We kept Phil and Lincoln Monday through Friday noon and then the kids left for South GA and the funeral services. While I was keeping Lincoln Phil and Big Daddy made a few trips to the RV store for water pumps, went out to eat a few times and Big Daddy took Phil for a hair cut. Lincoln is an absolutely sweet baby, and I have had a blast bonding with him for the first time. I haven't taken nearly as many pictures as I have wanted but here are a few of us after we got to Oglethorpe County. As you can tell by Maggie's picture curled up on our bed pillows it is very cold here and snow is predicted. We now have our "______ in the lawn chair and toes in the clay.......and Life is Good Today."
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Very Cold at West Pointe Army Resort in North GA
Not much going on this past week. We piddled around the RV park and took long walks with Maggie. We traveled into Augusta one day last week to pick up a few items at the Fort Gordon PX and Commissary. After going to two PX's and a couple of stores it was a complete wash out so we returned home tired and empty handed. On Thursday we went over to Brandon's house in the afternoon and we both took long hot showers. Wow did that feel good. The shower house here at the Army RV park leave a lot to be desired. Brandon was still at work and Lori out of town so I cranked up his BIG stove and cooked up a big pot of Paula Deen's ham and potato soup. Topped with chives and crumbled bacon it was great. We had planned on staying the evening at Brandon's to help him surprise Lori by decorating the home for Christmas; however, Caroline phoned at 8:00 pm to say that her babysitter's brother was seriously ill and she needed me to keep the boys on Monday. So glad that we were here and able to help her out some. Of course I was tickled to be able to spend the entire day with the boys. I left the RV at 5:45 am and didn't get back home until 8:00 so I was drop dead tired but so enjoyed my day. Lincoln is the sweetest little baby and it has been a long time since I could spend the day with Phil. So wish that I could go to the Watkinsville Christmas Parade with Caroline and the boys today but Billy and I have some errands to run in Augusta. It is going to get down to 15 degrees in a few days, and we need to take precautions that our pipes do not freeze. You have to love this lifestyle.......There are only 4 other campers in the campground and the Army just delivered and stacked a cord of wood for us "homeless" folks over here in the woods. I definitely plan on picking up the ingredients for S'Mores while we are in town. I'm a fire bug and love a campfire. So you see "Life is Good Today" and my UGG boots keep my piggies toasty warm.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
A Quiet Weekend at Pointes West Resort
Most of our Thanksgiving travelers have left for home leaving only six of us diehards in the RV park. It really is peaceful and relaxing here, although a bit cold. We use our little portable electric heater at night and the "whole" house propane heater only cut on once or twice last night. We spent our Saturday watching football and enjoying South Florida and Ga's wins. Enjoyed an awesome seafood buffet at Angie's Steak and Seafood at Pollard's Corner. We will definitely be returning for that treat, and the price was reasonable to boot.
Today we made a trip into the small town of Lincolnton to buy some of Bell's good meats. Growing up in Athens Mom always bought her meats at Bell's on the east side of Athens. Lincolnton is a cute little OLD town and we made a note to ourselves to attend the Xmas parade and festivities next Saturday. We returned to our camper and I cranked up the Easy Bake Oven for the first time in our motorhome to make some chocolate chip and fresh blueberry scones. Bummers that I didn't have the XXX sugar that I thought was here, but I sprinkled raw brown sugar on them and they were perfect. Hope to freeze up a few so Billy can have warm scones for breakfast. I was very interested to try out the scone recipe because of all the fresh raspberries, blueberries and huckleberries that we found out west. It is the perfect recipe to use when we find more wild berries next year. For now I have to wrap up this blog and finish dinner of fried chicken, Chinese rice, fresh green beans, and sliced tomatoes. Life is Good Today!
Today we made a trip into the small town of Lincolnton to buy some of Bell's good meats. Growing up in Athens Mom always bought her meats at Bell's on the east side of Athens. Lincolnton is a cute little OLD town and we made a note to ourselves to attend the Xmas parade and festivities next Saturday. We returned to our camper and I cranked up the Easy Bake Oven for the first time in our motorhome to make some chocolate chip and fresh blueberry scones. Bummers that I didn't have the XXX sugar that I thought was here, but I sprinkled raw brown sugar on them and they were perfect. Hope to freeze up a few so Billy can have warm scones for breakfast. I was very interested to try out the scone recipe because of all the fresh raspberries, blueberries and huckleberries that we found out west. It is the perfect recipe to use when we find more wild berries next year. For now I have to wrap up this blog and finish dinner of fried chicken, Chinese rice, fresh green beans, and sliced tomatoes. Life is Good Today!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving at Pointes West Army Resort near Appling, GA
I have again been horrible at keeping up with the blog this week. At the beginning of the week our new digital camera turned up missing, and I went into a blue funk! We do not have a good history with digital cameras and I was prepared to start purchasing throw a ways! After two days of pouting Caroline finally found the camera under the cushions of her hungry sofa that swallows whole anything that comes near. I am happy again. I told Billy today that our motor home is beginning to feel like home to me. I have been surprised that this life change was an adjustment for me. Of course, it doesn't help matters that we are in an area where our cell phone service is intermittent at best. Brandon went to South GA to hunt with Lori's family over Thanksgiving and Caroline has been off work all week so we have had a chance to visit with her often. Phil spent the night with us in the motor home and was quite content. We threw lots of rocks into the lake and took a few hikes. Since he only has dirt and grass at home to ride his bicycle on he was thrilled that we brought his bike with us to ride around the base.
We were lucky to be invited to the Paradise Thanksgiving celebration at Kim and Mack's house 25 miles away in Washington, GA. They live in one of the old houses there and everything was beautiful and delicious as always. Kim had her home decorated for Christmas beautifully and the good southern cooking was beyond compare! Billy and I are fortunate that our children married into families that are much like our own. Attached are photos we took at Kim's house last night.
Billy figured out how to put some bleach through our fresh water tank to freshen it up and keep it clean. We are still getting rid of "stuff" in an attempt to lighten our load. Everything in our new motor home is working as it should so we consider ourselves fortunate. Especially after remembering the water leaks that we battled in our travel trailer.
We are tickled that Sue, Billy's Mom, is moving right along on learning how to operate the internet. I believe that she is beginning to enjoy herself as she explores what it can do for her. Life is Good Today.
We were lucky to be invited to the Paradise Thanksgiving celebration at Kim and Mack's house 25 miles away in Washington, GA. They live in one of the old houses there and everything was beautiful and delicious as always. Kim had her home decorated for Christmas beautifully and the good southern cooking was beyond compare! Billy and I are fortunate that our children married into families that are much like our own. Attached are photos we took at Kim's house last night.
Billy figured out how to put some bleach through our fresh water tank to freshen it up and keep it clean. We are still getting rid of "stuff" in an attempt to lighten our load. Everything in our new motor home is working as it should so we consider ourselves fortunate. Especially after remembering the water leaks that we battled in our travel trailer.
We are tickled that Sue, Billy's Mom, is moving right along on learning how to operate the internet. I believe that she is beginning to enjoy herself as she explores what it can do for her. Life is Good Today.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Walk On The Hiking Trail Through the Woods
Yesterday was another mostly lazy day although I did hop out of bed early and went to the laundromat to do two loads of laundry. With that out of the way Maggie and I went on a long walk through the campground and even hiked the Bertram Trail through the woods. It was a beautiful Fall day and the leaves are still a beautiful Fall color here. Naturally as I hiked I was on the lookout for evergreens to decorate our motorhome for Christmas. Wouldn't I love to find a big patch of creeping cedar. That is my favorite medium to work with at Christmas. After our hike and a quick shower I curled up with my book and Maggie crawled under her blankie for a nap. Billy was in town looking for a new truck. Oh how I wish this move had been better planned out before we left. He found a smaller truck and a dealer that will actually trade trucks and pay us in the trade. In the long run it's probably a good idea to cut our losses now and lighten the load on this motorhome. Keeping it short again today since we are preparing to leave for Caroline's. Yippee! We get to see those two grandsons. Hopefully we will be able to bring Phil and his bicycle back here to spend the night with us. Caroline will be putting up her Christmas decorations today so I think this will be fun. I divided my Christmas decorations between Brandon and Caroline so it will be interesting to see how she uses my old decorations. Many of the Christmas decorations were handmade by Mom for the grandkid's first Christmas tree. As I close I looked out the window at a bright yellow maple tree proudly changing it's colors. Out the other window are a flock of mallards swimming on the very foggy lake this morning. Life is surely good today!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
West Pointe Army Resort near Appling, GA
We left Ebenezer Park in Rock Hill, SC on Tuesday after my dental appointment and drove to Piedmont, SC to visit with Tom and Aunt Peggy again. Oh wow! We got to play with Lily, Cameron and Kevin and had a wonderful time. We enjoyed a Mexican dinner at the restaurant next door and spent the night in their front yard. On Wednesday we drove the two hours to West Point Army Resort on Clark Hill Lake in GA. We drove to Brandon's house last night to pick up a package that we had mailed there and visited with him a while. We have enjoyed a day to ourselves today, and I think I have finally caught up on my rest and feel like the motor home is "home" now. Might have something to do with cooking breakfast and dinner and breaking in the kitchen. It is killing us to be this close to Caroline and not being able to see her. She is about 40 minutes away and we will see her this weekend. The RV park here is nice and very wooded. Maggie enjoys her long walks to check her pee mail! Closing for now and I will post some photos tomorrow! Still learning this new laptop. Life is Good Today.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Ebenezer RV Park - Rock Hill, SC
So much has happened in so little time. We cleaned our way out of our home in FL last Wednesday and hopefully left it in good condition for our tenant and good friend to move into on Dec. 1st. We spent the night in Dothan, AL with Billy's mom and did all that we could to get her acquainted with my laptop that we were taking to her. (I am still trying to learn my new laptop.) We left Dothan after lunch on Thursday and headed north toward SC. As luck would have it we reached Atlanta at 5:00 pm during rush hour traffic, but we drove the motor home straight through town on I-85 with little trouble. We decided to drive on to Piedmont, SC to spend the night with Aunt Peggy and Uncle Tom. They didn't know how to tell us to drive the motor home into their lot to park it without backing up, so we spent the night in the Save A Lot parking lot. I believe we added another chapter to "You Might Be A Redneck If" as Billy's cousins stopped by the parking lot that evening and the next morning early to say HELLO! We did get to steal a few kisses from cute little Lily before packing up and driving to Ebenezer Park in Rock Hill, SC on Friday morning. My brother, Mike and his wife Mary Ann stopped by for a visit and a tour of our new motor home after we got set up.
Saturday morning we drove to Cherryville, NC to attend Uncle Jim's funeral services. Under taxing and stressful conditions it was still a treat to see Brandon, Caroline and their families. I also got to see cousins and family that I never get to see enough of. (Oops. Ended that sentence in a preposition!) The military honors were fitting for a great American hero to be laid to rest, but it pained me to lay flowers on the graves of my Mom and Dad!
On Sunday after Billy and I made the required trip to Wally World we enjoyed a homemade Lasagne dinner at my brother's house. Yum! I think that it is the best meal we have had all month as Billy and I are still trying to rest up from the work of moving our STUFF out of our house. Today, it is cloudy and it looks like it may rain. We are lazing around and totally enjoying having nothing important to do. As luck would have it I had a filling fall out of my tooth while we were in Dothan so I have a dental appointment here in Rock Hill tomorrow morning early. After that appointment we plan to break camp and spend the night at Aunt Peggy's and Uncle Tom's before heading to the Ft. Gordon campground for the holidays. "Life is Good Today" as we adjust to our new lifestyle!
Saturday morning we drove to Cherryville, NC to attend Uncle Jim's funeral services. Under taxing and stressful conditions it was still a treat to see Brandon, Caroline and their families. I also got to see cousins and family that I never get to see enough of. (Oops. Ended that sentence in a preposition!) The military honors were fitting for a great American hero to be laid to rest, but it pained me to lay flowers on the graves of my Mom and Dad!
On Sunday after Billy and I made the required trip to Wally World we enjoyed a homemade Lasagne dinner at my brother's house. Yum! I think that it is the best meal we have had all month as Billy and I are still trying to rest up from the work of moving our STUFF out of our house. Today, it is cloudy and it looks like it may rain. We are lazing around and totally enjoying having nothing important to do. As luck would have it I had a filling fall out of my tooth while we were in Dothan so I have a dental appointment here in Rock Hill tomorrow morning early. After that appointment we plan to break camp and spend the night at Aunt Peggy's and Uncle Tom's before heading to the Ft. Gordon campground for the holidays. "Life is Good Today" as we adjust to our new lifestyle!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Almost Out of Here!
One last day until we have matters wrapped up here, and we plan to be on the road tomorrow. Lots of "loose ends" to be put away in the motor home and a thorough cleaning of our sticks and bricks house and the motor home are on the schedule today. Woke up this morning to a bright and beautiful day of sunshine and the birds singing. What a wonderful day! Billy has spent the last two days tying up loose ends and had a satellite installer come by last night to get his tv's the way he wants them. Then he ran into town to Best Buy to pick up my new laptop so that we can deliver my old laptop to Billy's mom tomorrow. We plan to spend a little time helping her set it up and then we are heading north in the direction of Ebenezer RV Park in Rock Hill, SC so that can attend Uncle Jim's funeral service with my brother, Mike. "Life is Good Today" and I must rush to get the work done.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Three More Days Until.....
....we finally make our major life change. I am painfully aware that it has been a long time since I have posted but Billy and I are working like mad to clean our "stuff" out of this house so that we can get on the road again!!!!! Billy is actually to the point of making lists but my list is still too long to put into writing. Our plans are to depart here early Wednesday morning. The car is in Tampa waiting to be sold and we were fortunate in selling a refrigerator, freezer, my piano and a few other items. Strange to be down to a one car family again, but I think our generation is spoiled and we still expect to have it "all" even in this bad economy. It is a good feeling to simplify. We vacillate between cleaning out the house and preparing the motor home for departure, but what I am really trying to say is that we are running in circles. Sam and Kevin came this weekend and took a truckload and trailer load out to North Georgia. That last deposit left us with a house that almost looks unlived in and almost ready to be turned over to our renter. Yippee! Yesterday I defrosted and cleaned three refrigerators/freezers. Today I plan to clean and defrost the refrigerator in the motor home as well as put the last minute items in the motor home. After today we may have no choice but to move into the motor home because all of our "stuff" is tucked away there! Billy picked up the camper shell for the truck last week, and he has the truck packed. Sure wish that my sewing machine was not a computer and it could be stored in the truck with Billy's golf clubs, because I am sitting here composing this blog and procrastinating putting the last minute items into the motor home. Where oh where will I put that sewing machine??????
I am saddened to report that my Uncle Jim Stroupe passed away early Friday morning. He was run over by a city bus in Asheville, NC recently and was still hospitalized at the Rehab center when he passed away. Seems a shame that a vibrant and beloved man who served in World War II, Korean War, and two tours in Vietnam died of trauma that he received in his homeland. Uncle Jim was a real American hero who once served as Command Sergeant Major. It is meaningful to me that he passed so close to our Veteran's Day celebrations. The services are tentatively planned for around noon next Saturday in Cherryville at the Mount Zion Cemetery. Thankfully, we will be able to attend. Uncle Jim and my daddy were always very close and Uncle Jim meant the world to me when I was growing up.
Time to wrap this up and start putting the finishing touches on the transfer of property from our sticks and bricks house to our home on wheels. Life is Good Today.
I am saddened to report that my Uncle Jim Stroupe passed away early Friday morning. He was run over by a city bus in Asheville, NC recently and was still hospitalized at the Rehab center when he passed away. Seems a shame that a vibrant and beloved man who served in World War II, Korean War, and two tours in Vietnam died of trauma that he received in his homeland. Uncle Jim was a real American hero who once served as Command Sergeant Major. It is meaningful to me that he passed so close to our Veteran's Day celebrations. The services are tentatively planned for around noon next Saturday in Cherryville at the Mount Zion Cemetery. Thankfully, we will be able to attend. Uncle Jim and my daddy were always very close and Uncle Jim meant the world to me when I was growing up.
Time to wrap this up and start putting the finishing touches on the transfer of property from our sticks and bricks house to our home on wheels. Life is Good Today.
Monday, November 1, 2010
In Tampa Visiting with Jackson and family!!!!
Drove both vehicles and towed the boat to Tampa on Friday. Wow, we are tired from the cleaning and packing. Have to say that we enjoyed the GA/FL football game, but GA slipped up and let the Gators win again. I think we are jinxed! Jackson is absolutely perfect in every way, and tons of entertainment. He made a precious pumpkin on Halloween even if he did only last through four houses. The whole ordeal made him sleepy. The Andreau family joined us for Halloween fun and a good time was had by all. Billy and I are not looking forward to returning home to finish up the packing, but we are excited to be just a week or two away from beginning our new life on the road. "Life is Good Today!"
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Almost ready to leave for Tampa
Billy has the truck loaded to the gills to take to Tampa tomorrow, and we are both so tired that we are almost useless today. I am cutting the blog short today, but did want to post the beautiful photos of the family in Dothan. Life is Good Today. GO DAWGS!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Suppose to be in Tampa today! Arghhhhhhhhh!
Billy and I are sooooooooooooo tired, and we can't sleep at night. We had planned to leave for Tampa today, but there is still too much to do around the house here. Cleaning the "stuff" out of this house is more work than we had expected. I am certain that Billy is befuddled by the amount of "stuff" that he is cleaning out of the garage and sheds because he is of the nature to want to keep "stuff." It is unbelievable the amount of worthless "stuff" one can accumulate. Enough said about "stuff." I am sick of it. Sam is coming weekend after next to pick up a trailer load to take to Caroline and Brandon! Brandon has already taken a truck load out. I have a small box of photos/bibles/yearbooks to go to some body's home for safekeeping. I fear that Billy has too much "stuff" packed up to go to Marianne's for safekeeping. The motor home is just about packed.....just a few more cabinets to add shelf paper. I have reached the point of removing as much as I can from the motor home, because I really don't want us to be overweight! Each of us is allowed one indulgence - Billy is taking his golf clubs and I am taking my sewing and sewing machine. I can't put my sewing machine in the motor home until we have the air cranked up, because the machine cannot be exposed to extreme temperatures.
I have almost finished washing the outside of the house and cleaning out the kitchen cabinets. I think that I failed to mention that the poor housing market today is not a good time to sell our home. I think we have it rented to a good friend of ours who we know will love it the way we do. He needs it to be mostly furnished so that is a good thing. We can leave most of our "stuff" (there's that word again. I mean - furniture) in the house. "Stuff?" Did I mention that I found not one but two bedspreads that were lovingly packed up by me, and I don't remember using either one of them? Ouch!
I haven't forgotten that I have not added the photos that we took in Dothan at Bradley's football game. They are really good, and we had a wonderful time visiting with family again. Been missing everybody and Billy's mom is doing great. It means a lot to see her smiling and laughing again. Calling it a day.
I have almost finished washing the outside of the house and cleaning out the kitchen cabinets. I think that I failed to mention that the poor housing market today is not a good time to sell our home. I think we have it rented to a good friend of ours who we know will love it the way we do. He needs it to be mostly furnished so that is a good thing. We can leave most of our "stuff" (there's that word again. I mean - furniture) in the house. "Stuff?" Did I mention that I found not one but two bedspreads that were lovingly packed up by me, and I don't remember using either one of them? Ouch!
I haven't forgotten that I have not added the photos that we took in Dothan at Bradley's football game. They are really good, and we had a wonderful time visiting with family again. Been missing everybody and Billy's mom is doing great. It means a lot to see her smiling and laughing again. Calling it a day.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Still Working on that "To Do" List
Still accomplishing small tasks each day. After a trip to the fabric store I finally finished making the quilt to cover the dashboard. I am hoping that the quilt protects the dashboard from cracking under the glare of the sun, and of course gives Maggie a cushy place to curl up and sleep. We have reached the point where we have more of our belongings in the motor home than we do in the house. So exciting, we are almost "there." After a visit with Sue, Billy's mother, we plan to line the cabinets in the motor home with the "foam" to keep things from sliding around, and of course the cabinets each need to be rearranged. There are a few final items that need to find a resting place in the motor home which will leave us with the chore of cleaning this sticks and bricks house. Oh yes, and an update on the cassette player/radio, cassettes, electric typewriter and record albums. The cassette player/radio and cassettes found their resting place at Goodwill. The very evening after Billy discarded these beloved possessions, we had to make an emergency run into town to Radio Shack to get help with outfitting our Bose Radio with ear plugs. When it looked like an impossible task I started shopping around Radio Shack for a cheap radio. What the heck! Can't buy a simple radio at RADIO Shack! They are all MP3 players. Billy's mother wants his cherished electric typewriter .........so.........Life is Good Today. Least you think that I am poking too much fun at Billy I will admit my obsession. I love candles and have a cabinet full of candles to fit every occasion. I have given away many and will take the large/heavy Yankee Candles to Billy's mom today.
Much love to my brother and sister who have recently been diagnosed with a rare genetic disease. I always knew that my family is special; just didn't know how special we were. Love you both and I've got dibs on the bed by the window in the Nursing Home! Life is Good Today!
Much love to my brother and sister who have recently been diagnosed with a rare genetic disease. I always knew that my family is special; just didn't know how special we were. Love you both and I've got dibs on the bed by the window in the Nursing Home! Life is Good Today!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Still "packing" in the house......
I am beginning to wonder if this will never end. At least for the time being it seems endless. I finally made all of the "cuts" and have all of my shoes and hanging clothes in the closet. I tried to put my spice rack in the motor home but it wouldn't fit, so it goes to Caroline's. All day today I feel like I just keep moving "stuff" back and forth between the house and the motor home. I bought the plastic shoe boxes with lids at the Dollar Store to stack my shoes away in. It makes it much easier to place your shoes in the bottom of the closet that way. I still like the idea of securing a bungee cord all the way around the base of our bed. Then you just slide your shoes under the cord and ala! More shoes!!!! I made a pattern of the 747-sized dash board and had planned to make a quilted cover for the dash, but I didn't have enough material. Billy took a truck load in to Goodwill today. I think he disposed of the record albums and cassettes, because I don't see them in the middle of our living room floor; however, the electric typewriter is now in the middle of the dining room floor. I inquired a few days ago if "typewriter" is still a word in Webster's Dictionary. Today I wonder if we could sell it as an antique. When I took typing in the 9th grade we still used manual typewriters. I had never even heard of an electric typewriter at that time. I have begun to clean out and organize my "sewing stash." Thankfully, my niece, Taylor, likes to sew so I will have a box in the mail to her in a few days. For the past 40 years I have had my sewing notions packed away in my sister's Art Bins from UGA. I plan to send one of those bins on to Taylor and hope that she enjoys it as much as I have.
I just took a look around the house, garage and trash and it occurred to me that we have already gotten rid of a lot of "junk." The emphasis is on the word "junk," because we haven't even begun to think about most of the BIG stuff. Our house is not very large, but it is ridiculous to pay for, heat, and air condition a house this size to store "JUNK." Now before anyone out there begins to feel sorry for us, we removed the valuable and sentimental items from the house after a tornado from Hurricane Ivan collided with us.
It's a good day to be a Georgia Bulldawg! Welcome to Athens Big Bad Bruce! Ain't he pretty? Life is Good Today!
I just took a look around the house, garage and trash and it occurred to me that we have already gotten rid of a lot of "junk." The emphasis is on the word "junk," because we haven't even begun to think about most of the BIG stuff. Our house is not very large, but it is ridiculous to pay for, heat, and air condition a house this size to store "JUNK." Now before anyone out there begins to feel sorry for us, we removed the valuable and sentimental items from the house after a tornado from Hurricane Ivan collided with us.
It's a good day to be a Georgia Bulldawg! Welcome to Athens Big Bad Bruce! Ain't he pretty? Life is Good Today!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Bye Bye to My Piano
Oh my gosh.....Amber and Lee came by with the children last night and purchased my piano. I truly hated to see it go, but I am thankful that Amber wanted it. I swelled with pride when Billy finally parted with his cassette players and gave them to Lee. If Billy had only packed up his boat load of cassette tapes and given them to Lee also, I would know that he is cured of his "pack rat" affliction. As Lee and Amber were about to drive away I noticed the lonely Rubbermaid trunk on the front porch crying out to go home as a toy box with Amber and Lee. They are now the lucky recipients of a fantastic and useful plastic trunk!!!! I had great fun with the kids feeding the fish and ducks, and after the men finished hoisting the piano out the door we all enjoyed a steak/seafood dinner at Rodeo's.
I performed "cut" number two on my clothes/shoes yesterday. I finally think that I have it down to the final cut. Today I plan to tidy up the pile to donate to Goodwill! Every time I open a cabinet or drawer I end up "downsizing" it. How and why in the world do we accumulate so much junk? Gee! I just unloaded a whole trash can full of motel courtesy sundries that I at one time thought were great for travel. A note to our children......We have ALL of our photos that we have not already given to you consolidated into ONE giant photo album that will be safely stowed for us at B & L's house. My computer entertains me daily while it sleeps and slowly scrolls through our family photos over the years, and we are going to try to hang the digital photo album in the motor home. What I am saying is that we cherish all of our photos of the family; however, we cannot display them in the motor home.
Wrapping this up for the day....."Life is Good Today"
I performed "cut" number two on my clothes/shoes yesterday. I finally think that I have it down to the final cut. Today I plan to tidy up the pile to donate to Goodwill! Every time I open a cabinet or drawer I end up "downsizing" it. How and why in the world do we accumulate so much junk? Gee! I just unloaded a whole trash can full of motel courtesy sundries that I at one time thought were great for travel. A note to our children......We have ALL of our photos that we have not already given to you consolidated into ONE giant photo album that will be safely stowed for us at B & L's house. My computer entertains me daily while it sleeps and slowly scrolls through our family photos over the years, and we are going to try to hang the digital photo album in the motor home. What I am saying is that we cherish all of our photos of the family; however, we cannot display them in the motor home.
Wrapping this up for the day....."Life is Good Today"
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jog
Sorry we haven't blogged in a week. Brandon and Lori visited with us for five days and we had a great time. Went fishing twice and had oysters and shrimp at Joey's Oyster Bar in Callaway. A great place to sit out in the fresh air on the water and enjoy seafood. Made the required trip out to Pier Park, but we mostly just lounged around the house and laughed a lot!
We did pack up a truck full of boxes for them to take home. They bought 7 acres on a lake in SC and plan on building a cabin there soon. We sent them away with pots, pans, casserole dishes, bowls, knives, "bless us all great and small cross stitch," dessert plates, drinking glasses, coffee cups, peculator, crock pot, George Foreman. After Brandon and Lori left I closed the door to my bedroom and made peace with my closet. It is a humbling experience to try on in one day every pair of jeans, swim suits, and formals that have not graced your body in years. I have started a huge pile to go to Goodwill. I believe that I am going to have to live with my closet being 1/4 full for a few days and then do "cut" number two. We will not talk about paring down the shoes. I am having a difficult time with that. Do flip flops count as a pair of shoes? I sorted through all of our CD's and DVD's and placed the discs in notebooks. In the process I found some items that Billy needs to "come to terms" with. He has a pile of record albums, VCR tapes and an old electric typewriter in the middle of the living room floor. Heck, is the word "typewriter" still included in Webster's Dictionary? Amber and Lee are coming tonight to pick up the piano! Now, I don't care who you are - that's sad. It is difficult for me to be without my piano, but I am thankful that Amber wants it.
We have thousands of things to do on our "To Do" list, but it will somehow get done. Billy and I both miss our little house on wheels and are ready to get going with our new lifestyle. Life is Good Today!
We did pack up a truck full of boxes for them to take home. They bought 7 acres on a lake in SC and plan on building a cabin there soon. We sent them away with pots, pans, casserole dishes, bowls, knives, "bless us all great and small cross stitch," dessert plates, drinking glasses, coffee cups, peculator, crock pot, George Foreman. After Brandon and Lori left I closed the door to my bedroom and made peace with my closet. It is a humbling experience to try on in one day every pair of jeans, swim suits, and formals that have not graced your body in years. I have started a huge pile to go to Goodwill. I believe that I am going to have to live with my closet being 1/4 full for a few days and then do "cut" number two. We will not talk about paring down the shoes. I am having a difficult time with that. Do flip flops count as a pair of shoes? I sorted through all of our CD's and DVD's and placed the discs in notebooks. In the process I found some items that Billy needs to "come to terms" with. He has a pile of record albums, VCR tapes and an old electric typewriter in the middle of the living room floor. Heck, is the word "typewriter" still included in Webster's Dictionary? Amber and Lee are coming tonight to pick up the piano! Now, I don't care who you are - that's sad. It is difficult for me to be without my piano, but I am thankful that Amber wants it.
We have thousands of things to do on our "To Do" list, but it will somehow get done. Billy and I both miss our little house on wheels and are ready to get going with our new lifestyle. Life is Good Today!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Blue Angel Naval Recreational Area - Pensacola, FL
We have been neglectful with the blog for the last few days. If the truth were known we are both bummed out because we have to go home tomorrow. First time in my entire life that I have been away from home and not itching to get back. Everything went well at Carpenters RV service center in Pensacola. With a "little bit of luck" all of our motor home repairs will go that smoothly. Although that was not a repair, just getting the truck outfitted to be towed by the motor home. We highly recommend them for service. Billy says that it makes a world of difference, and he is much happier. He says he is ready for me to start driving now. I must admit that driving his big truck doesn't seem so difficult now after I have been riding around in this 747 sized motor home. We returned to the Blue Angel Naval Recreational Area and parked in the site next to where we parked previously. Maggie and I took three long walks yesterday; one through the woods. We tried to walk this afternoon; however, it was too hot. How I miss the west!!!!! We went to the PX and commissary yesterday to pick up a few things for Brandon and Lori when they come tomorrow night. Lori came to Panama City to camp with us a long time ago, and I had put the refrigerated items, including the homemade pimento cheese, in a cooler outside overnight while the refrigerator cooled off. You guessed it. The raccoons opened the cooler and helped themselves to everything. Must have had a big old raccoon party for they ate it all, but licked on the pimento cheese and dragged it around the park. Lori didn't fret over the lost meats, but she couldn't get over losing the homemade pimento cheese. She was determined to try to save it, but I wouldn't allow it. YUCK! She was broken hearted. So pimento cheese is the only thing she asks for when she comes to visit. Brandon, naturally only asks for sliced cucumbers and onions marinated in vinegar/sugar/water/salt and pepper. Thank goodness they are easy to please.
Billy's appointment at the VA was supposed to be today according to him, but we found out this morning the appointment is tomorrow. Back to those plans being made in jello again. We were planning on getting an early start for home tomorrow, but now we won't be able to depart here until late afternoon. We haven't been home in three months and the outside "stuff" is all crammed in the house in case a hurricane decided to blow through while we were away. My point is, I have much to do at home and many groceries to shop for before Brandon and Lori arrive tomorrow night. Guess that it is another reason we have been lazy these past few days. We have started making plans for the remainder of the year, but they are definitely made in jello since the house sell/rent is up in the air. We are both itching to kiss and cuddle on Jackson so a trip to Tampa for a week or so is in order as soon as we can get away. Billy's mom, Sue, is feeling better now so we want to see her right away. It feels like it has been a year and a half since we have seen her. Bradley is playing in a football game on October 19th, so we are reaching for that time to spend a few days in Dothan so we can see Bradley's ball game. Got us a couple of new nieces to meet, too! It has been WAY too long. After our trip to Tampa we plan to spend a few months at the Ft. Gordon recreation area because it is halfway between Brandon and Caroline. That way we will be there for Xmas and hopefully get to keep Phil with us in the motor home some. Need to see our little Lincoln, because he is growing fast. Right after Xmas we plan to break camp and head to McDill in Tampa to spend a few months. That way we get to keep Jackson and will be there for his first birthday. I am second guessing our plans to travel to Alaska in the Spring. Not ready to take the chance of damaging the motor home on the bad roads and really hate to put that many miles on it. Instead, we may travel up the east coast to visit my sister and on toward Bruce and Fran in New Hampshire and then to Maine. If I talk real sweet maybe Billy will stop and let me visit New York City along the way. Oh yes, and a stop to see Cindy in Washington, DC. Billy reminded me that I told him before we got married that I hated DC, but I think I would like it staying in the motor home and just going into town to visit Cindy and the museums.
Words can't tell you how much we have enjoyed this trip. We are like goldfish. We adapt to the size of our bowl. We have managed to carry dirty laundry over 21 state lines and enjoyed every mile. Today's photos are again of Maggie dragging her toys to the dashboard of the motor home. I never think to take these pictures in the morning before the sun is shining on the windows, but my brother wanted a picture of Maggie's "den." LIFE IS GOOD TODAY!
Billy's appointment at the VA was supposed to be today according to him, but we found out this morning the appointment is tomorrow. Back to those plans being made in jello again. We were planning on getting an early start for home tomorrow, but now we won't be able to depart here until late afternoon. We haven't been home in three months and the outside "stuff" is all crammed in the house in case a hurricane decided to blow through while we were away. My point is, I have much to do at home and many groceries to shop for before Brandon and Lori arrive tomorrow night. Guess that it is another reason we have been lazy these past few days. We have started making plans for the remainder of the year, but they are definitely made in jello since the house sell/rent is up in the air. We are both itching to kiss and cuddle on Jackson so a trip to Tampa for a week or so is in order as soon as we can get away. Billy's mom, Sue, is feeling better now so we want to see her right away. It feels like it has been a year and a half since we have seen her. Bradley is playing in a football game on October 19th, so we are reaching for that time to spend a few days in Dothan so we can see Bradley's ball game. Got us a couple of new nieces to meet, too! It has been WAY too long. After our trip to Tampa we plan to spend a few months at the Ft. Gordon recreation area because it is halfway between Brandon and Caroline. That way we will be there for Xmas and hopefully get to keep Phil with us in the motor home some. Need to see our little Lincoln, because he is growing fast. Right after Xmas we plan to break camp and head to McDill in Tampa to spend a few months. That way we get to keep Jackson and will be there for his first birthday. I am second guessing our plans to travel to Alaska in the Spring. Not ready to take the chance of damaging the motor home on the bad roads and really hate to put that many miles on it. Instead, we may travel up the east coast to visit my sister and on toward Bruce and Fran in New Hampshire and then to Maine. If I talk real sweet maybe Billy will stop and let me visit New York City along the way. Oh yes, and a stop to see Cindy in Washington, DC. Billy reminded me that I told him before we got married that I hated DC, but I think I would like it staying in the motor home and just going into town to visit Cindy and the museums.
Words can't tell you how much we have enjoyed this trip. We are like goldfish. We adapt to the size of our bowl. We have managed to carry dirty laundry over 21 state lines and enjoyed every mile. Today's photos are again of Maggie dragging her toys to the dashboard of the motor home. I never think to take these pictures in the morning before the sun is shining on the windows, but my brother wanted a picture of Maggie's "den." LIFE IS GOOD TODAY!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Carpenters RV - Pensacola, FL
We missed checking into the blog yesterday because we were enjoying yet another lazy day. Ain't life grand? We went to the Navy PX. That was fun. Some may disagree with me, but I like the Navy Px's much better than the Air Force. We purchased two big notebooks - one for our CD's and one for our DVD's. I know that CD's are a thing of the past, but I like to hold on to the ones I have in case my ipod or my computer fails. After our shopping escapade we went to Seville Square in downtown Pensacola and had brunch on the water at The Fish House. Everything looked really good and we had an Oyster Po Boy, Grouper Sandwich and Jambalaya. After returning to the RV park we took a long walk along the water and through the trails in the woods and called it an early evening.
Today, Billy drove the motor home and I followed in the truck to Carpenters RV Center in Pensacola. We are spending the night in our motor home at the service center while they outfit the truck and motor home for towing. I took Maggie for a walk around the outside neighborhood and came back to find that they had just locked up the fenced in area for the evening and locked me out. Thankfully, I was able to catch them before they left for the night to let me in. HEHEHEHE! Hopefully, they will be finished with the work tomorrow and we can return to the campground.
The photo for today is the Iron Horse who resides in a pasture in Greene County, GA. Thank you Teresa and Mike Cumuze for sharing this first photo with me. The infamous 12-foot-tall Iron Horse is an abstract sculpture that was created by Abbott Pattison at UGA's Lamar Dodd School of Art and placed in front of Reed Hall in 1954. The horse was not well received by the students and just hours after its placement, students gathered around the iron creature, placed straw in its mouth and in front of it, manure at its back, and painted the word "front" on its neck. Balloons were tied underneath the rear legs to resemble I can only imagine, and attempts were made to set the horse on fire. When the fire department arrived, the students refused to back away until eventually the fire hoses were turned on the students.
The day after the incident, the university moved the sculpture to a secret hiding place. In 1959, the Iron Horse was moved to its current location on a farm in Greene County, where it now safely sits in the middle of a corn field, facing south and away from UGA, visible from GA 15 only in the winter. Jack Curtis, owner of the farm, says they are now judging the corn crops on whether or not they can see the horse.
There have been several attempts to bring the Iron Horse back to campus but they all failed. The Iron Horse has always been a part of the Athens lore that we grew up enjoying. So for those of you who wondered - this is where we got the idea to call our blog - Iron Horse!
Today, Billy drove the motor home and I followed in the truck to Carpenters RV Center in Pensacola. We are spending the night in our motor home at the service center while they outfit the truck and motor home for towing. I took Maggie for a walk around the outside neighborhood and came back to find that they had just locked up the fenced in area for the evening and locked me out. Thankfully, I was able to catch them before they left for the night to let me in. HEHEHEHE! Hopefully, they will be finished with the work tomorrow and we can return to the campground.
The photo for today is the Iron Horse who resides in a pasture in Greene County, GA. Thank you Teresa and Mike Cumuze for sharing this first photo with me. The infamous 12-foot-tall Iron Horse is an abstract sculpture that was created by Abbott Pattison at UGA's Lamar Dodd School of Art and placed in front of Reed Hall in 1954. The horse was not well received by the students and just hours after its placement, students gathered around the iron creature, placed straw in its mouth and in front of it, manure at its back, and painted the word "front" on its neck. Balloons were tied underneath the rear legs to resemble I can only imagine, and attempts were made to set the horse on fire. When the fire department arrived, the students refused to back away until eventually the fire hoses were turned on the students.
The day after the incident, the university moved the sculpture to a secret hiding place. In 1959, the Iron Horse was moved to its current location on a farm in Greene County, where it now safely sits in the middle of a corn field, facing south and away from UGA, visible from GA 15 only in the winter. Jack Curtis, owner of the farm, says they are now judging the corn crops on whether or not they can see the horse.
There have been several attempts to bring the Iron Horse back to campus but they all failed. The Iron Horse has always been a part of the Athens lore that we grew up enjoying. So for those of you who wondered - this is where we got the idea to call our blog - Iron Horse!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Yeah for Pensacola, FL and a lazy day!
Lounged around most of the morning. Cooked Billy sausage and pancakes for breakfast, then he went out to wash the truck. I took Maggie on a long walk on what I assume was the old Blue Angels landing strip. It was great this morning to open the curtains by the bed and gaze out at the water. "Life is Good Today!" After our walk, I played on the computer for a while and then went out to help Billy scrape the Florida bugs off the front of the motor home. Didn't have all those bugs while we were out west. Really have enjoyed our lazy day, but I'm ready for some SEC football.
Took a few photos of our front window. I was trying to get Maggie up in the window, but the reflection on the window obscures her silhouette. She likes to empty her toy box and carry her toys one by one up on the dash board. Thanks for stopping by. GO DAWGS!
Took a few photos of our front window. I was trying to get Maggie up in the window, but the reflection on the window obscures her silhouette. She likes to empty her toy box and carry her toys one by one up on the dash board. Thanks for stopping by. GO DAWGS!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Blue Angels Naval Recreational Area - Pensacola, FL
Crawled out of bed before daylight this morning to take Maggie out for a potty break. Made and drank a cup of coffee and then wrapped up in a blankie for another quick snooze before we broke camp. We had lots of trouble getting the truck up on the tow dolly correctly, so I think Billy is done with it. We have reservations at a repair center in Pensacola on Tuesday to have the motor home and truck outfitted to tow. We have decided that we will sell the Hyundai when we get home next week. They have hook ups at the repair center for us to stay there in the motor home while it is being repaired. We will leave our campground at the Blue Angels Naval Recreational Area Monday afternoon and spend the night at the repair center Monday night so they can get started on it early Monday morning.
Enjoyed a peaceful and easy drive into Pensacola. We stopped halfway at the Welcome Center and fixed a lunch of turkey wraps. It sure felt strange to see a couple of alligators in the water as we drove to the Florida line. We are now back in Fl. and can see Perdido Bay from our dining room window. I am currently watching the beautiful sunset on the bay and remembering how much I enjoy the sunsets on the bay at home. We have seen beautiful sunsets in so many different places during this trip. The campers here have plenty of room between them and everybody is super friendly. "Life is Good Today!" For the first time we are able to keep the curtains opened on our 747 sized wind shield in hopes of seeing a big buck walk out of the wooded area in front of us.
As we crossed the Florida line back into our home state today after having been gone nearly three months, we counted that we have driven dirty laundry across 21 state lines this trip. Wow! And there are so many more states to see and so much that we missed in the places we visited. This trip is not over yet and we are already looking forward to being on the road again. Need to wrap this typing up and call it a night. Tomorrow is a big day for SEC football. My GA bulldawgs are in a little learning curve right now but they still have my support. They'll work it out - always do. Roll Tide Roll over those FL Gators tomorrow. "Life is Good Today."
Enjoyed a peaceful and easy drive into Pensacola. We stopped halfway at the Welcome Center and fixed a lunch of turkey wraps. It sure felt strange to see a couple of alligators in the water as we drove to the Florida line. We are now back in Fl. and can see Perdido Bay from our dining room window. I am currently watching the beautiful sunset on the bay and remembering how much I enjoy the sunsets on the bay at home. We have seen beautiful sunsets in so many different places during this trip. The campers here have plenty of room between them and everybody is super friendly. "Life is Good Today!" For the first time we are able to keep the curtains opened on our 747 sized wind shield in hopes of seeing a big buck walk out of the wooded area in front of us.
As we crossed the Florida line back into our home state today after having been gone nearly three months, we counted that we have driven dirty laundry across 21 state lines this trip. Wow! And there are so many more states to see and so much that we missed in the places we visited. This trip is not over yet and we are already looking forward to being on the road again. Need to wrap this typing up and call it a night. Tomorrow is a big day for SEC football. My GA bulldawgs are in a little learning curve right now but they still have my support. They'll work it out - always do. Roll Tide Roll over those FL Gators tomorrow. "Life is Good Today."
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Last Two Days in New Orleans
We were super lazy yesterday and didn't get out the door until well after lunch. We went to Riverwalk on the Mississippi River and strolled through all of the shops. I am not going to lie and tell you that Billy had a wonderful time, but he tolerated it well. We had planned on stopping at Cafe du Monde for a coffee and beignets but we filled ourselves up on Shrimp Po Boys and Catfish. For dessert we shared a homemade bread pudding topped with whiskey sauce. Yummers! I will confess that we brought home some homemade pralines for a midnight snack. A trip to New Orleans means a postponement of any diets. The night before I cooked shrimp and sausage jambalaya for dinner. While at Riverwalk we also bought a mix to make a gallon of Pat O'Brien's Hurricanes to have on hand when Brandon and Lori come to visit us in a few weeks. Called it an early evening and relaxed. I think Billy is rather disappointed that we can't pick up our satellite TV stations here in New Orleans. Apparently, the tall buildings are blocking our view of the satellite. He is not having an anxiety attack; however, because the Jude Travel Center supplies cable TV.
Today I got an early start and went to the laundromat to wash two loads of clothes. After taking Maggie out to read her P Mail we took off for the Garden District of New Orleans. This part of town bears little resemblance to the French Quarter. Americans started arriving in New Orleans after the 1803 Louisiana Purchase and set up their own encampment, and today we know it as the Garden District. The houses are a blend of wrought iron, graceful balconies, and Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns in the theme of "bigger is better" to compete with the Creole houses in the French Quarter. For lunch Billy and I continued our regular "vacation" alien/"true story" routine and went to Voodoo Barbecue for lunch in the Garden District. It is almost across the street from Emeril's restaurant, and it was very very good. I brought home a white chocolate bread pudding for my midnight snack.
Before lunch we went to the oldest cemetery in New Orleans - St. Louis Cemetery No. 1. It is considered to be the most haunted cemetery in the United States. As we all know, New Orleans is situated well below sea level, so the dead are buried in above-ground tombs or vaults. Most of the tombs at St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 were designed to house many generations of a family or society group in the same tomb through multiple, sequential interment. Traditionally the dead were placed in wooden coffins in one of the vaults. The vault opening was loosely closed with mortared brick, and a stone closure tablet sealed the tomb. If the space was needed for another burial, the vault could be re-opened after at least 1 year and 1 day, the coffin removed and burned, and the decomposed remains pushed to the back of the tomb or placed beneath the vaults in the caveau below. This custom of multiple burial seemed strange to most Americans, particularly from the Northeast, but was familiar to French and Spanish settlers.
The closure tablet often names many names and dates from within the same family. If a closure tablet became full, it was usually mounted permanently to the side of the tomb and a new closure tablet of white marble was installed. One can read the history of many generations within the family, just by reading the tablets on the tombs. One of the tombs was adorned with many angels (see photos). We called Nanna to see if there was one she wanted. Just kidding!
Many tourists flock to this haunted cemetery because it is the actual reported burial site of the legendary Grande Voodoo Queen of all times Marie Laveau. Local legend says that when you are at the Voodoo Queen's tomb one should knock three times (to wake the dead) upon the face of Marie's tomb. Mark the face with chalk or brick with XXX and then knock three times again and turn around three times. Leave your offering and your wish will be granted. I left an Atomic Fire Ball. Think it worked? Marie Laveau and her daughter's ghost have been spotted floating down Bourbon Street from St. Anne's Street wearing long white robes. Her spirit has also been reported inside of the cemetery, walking between the tombs wearing a red and white turban with seven knots in it, and mumbling a original New Orleans Santeria Voodoo curse to Cemetery trespassers. Her Voodoo curse is loud and very audible, heard often by passerby's on nearby Rampart Street. Locals say this has started in recent years for she is alarmed by the many vandals and state of the cemetery. I keep looking at my photos but I don't see her in them. Voodoos of the New Orleans Secret Society report that her soul appears here in the cemetery as a shiny large black Voodoo cat, with fire red eyes. If you see this Were cat run! One New Orleans Voodoo Manbo suggests that upon seeing this Devil cat, cross your self three times and back away. One should never let the cat see your back. If Marie's spirit, or Devil cat sees it... you will be cursed for ever to do her bidding.
Often stories are told of Ghostly nude Voodoo Probationers in an eternal dark secret Ritual. Always after midnight and well into the early morning hours. With Marie Laveaus' ghost dressed in white presiding over the ritual. Nude Voodoo Ghost dancers, male and female can be seen and heard in an orgy of spiritual Voodoo calling down the power.
Many times fine china plates and cups and saucers and ornate silverware are found through out St Louis No.1 graveyard. Paranormal Investigators say this is part of the ancient wiccan practice of the occult. It is called the" Dumb Supper". This is a old ritual, a mock table setting of a meal and two empty plates filled with invisible ghostly food. It is usually a setting for the ghost and the a setting for the person who questions the ghost. This is to call the dead to answer your most sought after questions. Sometimes wine glasses or even bottles of rum and or wine, cigars or packs of cigarettes, bags of chips, or candy or even many times a loaf of french bread. All this can be found placed before many of it's tombs. Visitors think it's litter, but if you look at how it is placed you then realize it is a special ghost offering to the spirits of the cemetery.
Other known and unknown ghosts haunt this cemetery. There is a ghost called by some Henry. This haunted Cemetery Ghost story tells that he gave his tomb to the lady who owned a boarding house to keep the papers for him if he died. Local workers for the cemetery say she sold the tomb when he was away at sea. When he returned he died and was buried in potters field. Every day his ghost is said to walk up to someone visiting the cemetery asking if they know the where abouts of the Vignes' tomb. Many a tour guide has related the tale of Henry and have said how he appears ragged and lost. And his blue eyes will look right into yours. The tall white shirt dressed man seems very real. Until he walks away into thin air. Sometimes he will tap you on the shoulder, or lead you to a lone tight alley between tombs asking " Do you Know anything about this Tomb here?" Then he disappears. Henry has also been known to have walked up to people at burials and asked if they think there's room in the tomb for him! His voice often appears on EVP's saying I "I need to rest!" And in ghost Photos he appears in a Dark suit with no shirt.
Another well known ghost of St. Louis No.1 is that of Alphonse he is a lonely young man and will take you by the hand telling you his name and asking can you help him find his way home. He is also known by some to be seen carrying flowers and vases from other tombs and placing them on his own. Those who have seen him say he is afraid of a tomb with the name Pinead on it and is said to warn visitors to stay away from it. He always has a smile on his face but is said to start crying then just disappear. Alphonse has been known to turn up in many of a ghost photo. Do you see him in our photos?
Ghost cats and dogs are said to prowl the cemetery daily. Very near the great walls of oven tombs. None of these ghost animals have ever shown signs of meanness. Several Tour guides say these are the animals of an 1800's cemetery keepers guard dogs and pets. Often they lurk the cemetery waiting for their owner who was buried in St. Louis No.2 to return to feed and care for them.
I hope that these ghost stories entertain you for the month of October. Billy and I were certainly entertained for the day. Now we will relax some as we depart for Pensacola tomorrow. Life is Good Today.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Jude Travel Park - New Orleans
We slept in rather late for a Rest Stop this morning (7:00), and only then woke up to take Maggie out for a potty break. We broke camp and left at 8:15 for a 3 1/2 hour drive to New Orleans. Jude Travel Park is a 15 minute drive from Bourbon Street, but not in the nicest of neighbors; however, we are surrounded by a security fence that is locked at night. Still, don't think I will be taking Maggie for long walks down the sidewalks.
Billy and I went into New Orleans and enjoyed a cold drink at Pat O'Brien's, and strolled around the French Quarter. I thought the architecture was absolutely remarkable and the people-watching was beyond comparison. You can still see many homes damaged by Katrina as well as a lot of new roofs. Let me repeat.......the people watching is superb! After taking in Bourbon Street we made our required trip to Wally World to pick up a few groceries. I have to learn to keep a closer eye on my grocery cart and Billy while shopping. If he wants one box of frozen breakfast biscuits he will pick up two boxes. My point is our freezer is the size of a large shoe box!
I thought the photo of our "campground" last night was good. I'll show it to the grandson's and ask them...."what is out of place in this picture?" "Life is Good Today!"
Monday, September 27, 2010
A long day on the road
We got a late start out of Texas and traveled for eight hours. Mind you we stop for long breaks to eat and check the computer for a place to camp. We finally stopped at Camp Beauregard. It is a National Guard base in Pineville, LA. After a long conversation with the girl at the gate, she sent us a few blocks to speak with her supervisor. Seems they lock the campground and nobody had the key. The guy asked Billy why he didn't call for reservations and Billy replied that he had tried all day. The guy said "I guess that is why the phone rang all day. I did not bother to answer it." So we drove on another hour or so and stopped at a rest stop. My State Lines application for the I Touch says that you can not sleep the night at rest stops in LA but the security guard said we were fine. Life is good today.
I had to come in to this post 24 hours later to correct errors. My laptop was not hooked up, and I was typing the post last night on my I Touch. I forgot to mention that after the Camp Beauregard experience we saw an international symbol for a campground a few exits down the road. We took the exit, remember driving a 747 and pulling a Heavy Duty pick up truck, and couldn't find the campground. I ran into the closest "Stop and Rob" and asked the clerk where to find the campground. She laughed and said that she thinks they put the symbol at the wrong exit because there was not a campground around. Oh Well.
I had to come in to this post 24 hours later to correct errors. My laptop was not hooked up, and I was typing the post last night on my I Touch. I forgot to mention that after the Camp Beauregard experience we saw an international symbol for a campground a few exits down the road. We took the exit, remember driving a 747 and pulling a Heavy Duty pick up truck, and couldn't find the campground. I ran into the closest "Stop and Rob" and asked the clerk where to find the campground. She laughed and said that she thinks they put the symbol at the wrong exit because there was not a campground around. Oh Well.
Last Day in Dallas - Sunday
Woke up to another rainy and rather chilly day. After seeing the grand kids and telling them goodbye we began the routine of cleaning the motor home for departure. My, it takes a while to tidy this motor home. Gosh, just cleaning the 747 sized windshield takes as long as it did to clean the other camper. Not complaining though. As soon as we return home I plan to make a quilt that will cover the 747 sized dashboard to keep the sun from blazing down on it and cracking it. I use Dawn (not the antibacterial) to clean most everything in the RV but the floors. It is a great cleaner and is good for the holding tanks. In keeping with the idea that everything in the camper serves two purposes, Dawn is an excellent spot/grease remover in the laundry. The Swiffer mops are handy to mop the floors and you can easily hand wash the pads and use them more than once. Guess the Swiffer mop only serves one purpose however.
Tomorrow we begin heading in the direction of New Orleans and eventually home. I have never been to New Orleans so I am looking forward to seeing Bourbon Street. "Life is Good Today."
Tomorrow we begin heading in the direction of New Orleans and eventually home. I have never been to New Orleans so I am looking forward to seeing Bourbon Street. "Life is Good Today."
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Ashley's Homecoming Dance
Woke up yesterday morning to rain pitter pattering on the roof. It sounded like someone popping bubble wrap up there on our rubber roof. Slept in and enjoyed the rain just as long as I possibly could. I had promised Eric that I would take him out shopping for some new tee shirts to wear to school. Wow! I had forgotten how difficult it is to shop for young men. After going to four different stores and not finding one shirt that qualified as suitable we treated ourselves to a Venti coffee from "Four"bucks (Starbucks). Since University of GA had a football game that we couldn't pick up on our TV last night we bribed Jody with a dinner from Kentucky Fried Chicken if we could watch the game at their house. About 1/3 of the way through the rather embarrassing football game Jody's TV switched over to the Texas Rangers having a rip-roaring celebration party in their locker room. After snapping a few photos of Ashley out the door for her Homecoming Dance, we rushed back home to listen to the GA game on XM radio. I know that it has been many many years since GA lost three football games in a row. I still bleed Bulldog red and black, but there appears to be something wrong in Athens! Get it together please. Laure called us about an hour after we arrived home and asked to spend the night with us, but explained that she was afraid to sleep by herself. I regret to say that I think my back is beginning to act up (had it fused in 1988), and I am afraid to sleep on the hideawy sofa, and Billy's feet would hang off the end of it. I am afraid that Laure was very disappointed. "Life is Good Today!"
Friday, September 24, 2010
Still enjoying the Grandkids in Dallas
Billy and I had a well-deserved lazy day today. We made a Wal-Mart run and picked up goodies for dinner tonight. We are having Jody, Donna, Ashley, Eric and Laurelin over for hamburgers on our new Baby Q grill, complete with all the fixins! We had plenty of room in the motor home and a good time was had by all. At least we each had full bellies. Going to call it an early evening so we can go shopping with Eric tomorrow.
Not much news today.
Not much news today.
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