The thermometer plunged below freezing last night, and Billy had to get up to the alarm clock early this morning to help out on the OHV Trails. He spent the day out on the trails with his chain saw while Maggie and I held the fort down in Shanty pond. Ever since Billy took the chain saw class he has been splitting dead logs here in Shanty Pond for firewood. Like a proud Boy Scout he stacked his firewood up into a neat stack beside the motor home. We just returned from Bass Champions (Beat The Clock) restaurant to find our firewood all askew. Guess the black bear was hungry for all those little bugs that were hiding under the bark. The bear picture is a bear Billy saw on the road today while he was driving back from the OHV Center. The hunters are beginning to leave Shanty Pond, and we fear that by the weekend we will be the only campers back here.
I have been reading Stephen King's new book about Kennedy's assassination, and I must say that it is the best book I have read in a long time. So I will leave you now and curl up under the blankie with my good book, and a cup of hot chocolate. Billy and I together have gone on a diet beginning this year. Only trouble is I got my blood lab work back today, and my liver has straightened out. Had to go "off the wagon" and celebrate at Bass Champions tonight. Tomorrow is another day; however "Life is Good Today!"
The bear kicked over Billy's "sand castle" |
Bear on Forest Road 11 today. |
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