Maggie May

Maggie May
Maggie May

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Georgia On Our Minds

Where do you start? How do we ever catch up on the Blog? Our family experienced two deaths on the same day - we said a final farewell to Granny (Kevin's Grandma), and Tom Hollingsworth. Thankfully Billy had a few VA appointments scheduled in Tampa so we were able to be there to help out Marianne and Kevin with our precious Jackson. It was difficult saying goodbye to Jackson, but we will see them again in July. Billy and I rushed around the motorhome preparing it for departure as soon as we returned to Shanty Pond. Sadly, we had to leave The Ocala National Forest without proper "good-byes;" however we will see everyone again next year. It was a long, tedious, seven hour trip to Oglethorpe County, GA with Billy driving the motor home and me following behind with the 4 wheeler. Billy left for Greenville, SC early the following morning to be with Aunt Peggy and family. I stayed behind because I was afraid that there would be a full house there with Peggy and Tom's family arriving. As soon as we arrived at Caroline's house, Beverly and I took Phil and Lincoln to the church for a cookout and giant Easter egg hunt. A good time was had by all. We celebrated Easter Sunday and Lincoln's birthday with the Paradise family. Again, there was much love and plenty of good food. Phil and Lincoln have both grown so much, but this Memaw would not take anything in the world for the feeling that swelled up inside of me when the boys raced across the front yard into my arms. Yesterday, we kept Lincoln home from daycare and had a great day playing and bonding with him once again. Tonight we are going to watch Phil play teeball. It's a busy schedule being around young kids again. Life remains Good Today and it is great being under the Georgia pines once again.

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