On Thursday we took the boys to the swimming pool and Phil jumped off the diving board without his floaties. Big Daddy and I had him practice jumping off the board and swimming to the side without help so that he can jump by himself while Caroline watches Lincoln. Think we stayed at the swimming pool too long as Phil had a meltdown at bedtime. On Friday, I made the necessary trip to Wally World for supplies. Seems I forgot to bring all of the prepared casserole dishes that I had frozen for the campler. Phil is attached to Big Daddy's hip so he stayed in the "club house" while we went to Wally World. Big Daddy and I got to babysit for Phil and Lincoln while Caroline went out to dinner and to the movies for a date night. I have no idea how I cared for Brandon and Caroline all alone while they were only 2 1/2 years apart. We had fun with the boys and Billy enjoyed his special Brunswick Stew that Caroline got for him.
I have lots of friend and family here in Athens that I would love to see; however, it has been impossible for us to get away from these boys. It will be a long time before we see them again. Tried to call and visit cousin Weaver while we were in Athens, but I was missing the last number off of his phone number on my cell phone.
On Saturday, I tidied up the camper and rearranged the cabinets in hopes that they will travel better when we leave here for South Carolina on Monday. My brother has not been feeling well, and I am anxious to get to Rock Hill for a week visit with him. I love my big brother. Thanks for stopping in for a visit.
Lincoln is cute as a button!! How big is he now? Phil is getting so big! Hard to believe...