We left Caroline's house on Monday for the trip to Rock Hill, SC where I was born and lived until we moved to Athens when I was in the 6th grade. I certainly enjoyed hearing the wind blow in the pines while in Athens. Definitely made me homesick. We have been visiting with my brother while here in Rock Hill. Our camper is parked at Ebenezer RV park on the shores of Lake Wylie and it is really quite nice. The price fits our budget at $70 for the week, including electricity, water, sewer, WiFi, and cable. Life is good. The transmission on our truck made unusual adjustments as we climbed hills entering the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains so we sent the truck in today to be checked out before we head northwest. Billy is on his way into town now to pick up the truck. Seems the only thing wrong is that these two flat road Floridians forgot how a transmission sounds as it "pulls" a hill while towing our home behind us....:)
Yesterday I went out shopping with my sister in law and her sister. We had a blast along with a nice lunch followed by dessert of a Frappe Mocha from McDonalds. My kind of shopping. We fondled, sniffed and carried treasures all around the store before putting them back on the shelves. I left without a purchase but Billy and I had made our routine trip to Wally World earlier in the day. So far I am taking a day off today and catching up on MORE rest and relaxation. Tomorrow my brother has an MRI and hopefully his 2nd MRI on Friday will end early so that he and I can go to Cherryville, NC. That is where my mom and dad are from and I believe we are meeting some of the folks attending our family reunion on Sunday. We will show them around the Cherryville Museum and of course "stomp" through a few cemeteries. I picked up the family genealogy studies after my dad passed away. It is amazing how much more we can learn about genealogy since the onset of the internet. I tried for years to involve my brother and sister in my research and finally hooked my brother....hook, line and sinker. He has done intensive and prolonged research with great success, so I have passed the baton on to him and forgotten everything that I had learned.
Thanks for stopping in. Maggie is having a great time here by the lake. Everybody that she meets thinks that she is a Min Pin and we met 3 Min Pins while walking around the park. She looked at me as if to say "I am SO much cuter than those Min Pins!" and she is.
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