Maggie May

Maggie May
Maggie May

Friday, August 6, 2010

Scott Air Force Base, IL

We had a thankfully uneventful drive across KY into IL. Once into IL we stopped to get gas and were fortunate enough to run into a motorcycle gang on their way to Sturgis, SD for a rally. They informed us that the interstate was shut down and at a stand still to our west because of a bad accident and gave us directions to drive on to Scott Air Force Base the "back" way. Speaking of "back" way and short cuts. While in NC with my family I came to an interesting observation. My family has always taken "short cuts" - they weren't always shorter - my entire life. It's a family thing. I noticed that my brother had a GPS and did not ONCE go the way the GPS directed him to go. My cousin was trying to give me directions to her place in Asheville, and I informed her that we would just follow the GPS. She replied that "no, I know a better route." While riding in our truck we tried to demonstrate to my elder Uncle Jim the benefits of the GPS. He was impressed; however, he kept telling us to go the opposite direction the GPS lady instructed us to go. Said it was a "better" route. So unfortunate that this wonderful invention is wasted on my family. On the other hand, Billy and I have noticed that as we are pulling this rather large camper down the road that the little lady living in the GPS chimes in and says "when possible make a legal U turn." I keep asking her if this is negotiable because we need a football field to turn around in.

It was a much easier ride today because we didn't wind through and over the mountains. Maggie had her morning treat of hashbrowns, bacon/egg/cheese biscuit, and sweet tea as the photo demonstrates. We didn't have one cabinet fly open; however, we arrived with the electric jack not working. Billy is currently on the phone speaking with the makers of the jack. Again....expect the unexpected. Saw many beautiful corn fields and farms driving through Illinois and I'm itching to get to the grocery store to see what they have in the produce section. Scott Air Force is beautiful, and we are backed up to the woods. "God is great. Beer is good and people are crazy."

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