Maggie May

Maggie May
Maggie May

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cedar Bluff State Park, KS

So, I have decided that I have not lost anything in Kansas. The windmills out across the fields were something I have never seen, and it appears that there is a natural gas vein running through the state as we saw many wells. Dry brown sage like grass covers the ground and I suggested to Billy that we play "Tree Poker" as opposed to Cow Poker. Not many trees around here. No wonder folks see so many tornadoes in Kansas - you can see for 100's of miles. We drove for miles and miles without seeing a vehicle or a gas station and we were down to 1/4 of a tank. Thankfully there was a lone gas station across from the State Park that we are staying in. It is $22.00 a night with sewer/water/electric. Ignore what folks say about "dry heat." It is hot as hell here. Okay, I'll quit putting down Kansas.

We broke camp at 9:00 am this morning and drove five hours. Breaking camp for me involves tying down the two rocking chairs, washing and putting up dishes and dog dishes, wrapping bungee cord around the two TV's, putting our sundry/shower bags in the bathtub, draping the shoe bag that hangs on the bathroom door across our bed, packing up the computers, putting my one plant (yard work) in the truck, pulling in the slide, emptying the trash, checking to make certain all drawers/cabinets/refrigerator are shut, putting the iron skillet/pizza stone under the covers of our bed, and taking the XM radio antennae off the roof. Sounds long and drawn out, but it is really quick. Even had time to run the vacuum cleaner this morning. Heard on the news that they captured one of the two escapees, and we hope they capture the final one before we get farther west. We settled in quickly since we are leaving the truck hooked up to the camper, and Billy is not putting up the satellite dish. Not to worry.....he has many recorded shows to watch on the DVR. I offered to cook a chicken/penne dinner, but he said he would just eat the burrito that I couldn't eat 2 days ago. Fine with me........Shower and relax. Yoo Hoo~ We have 4 followers and many lurkers. "Life is Good Today!"

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