Maggie May

Maggie May
Maggie May

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Completed Our Tour of Yellowstone

We got another slow start to the day yesterday, and I remained in slow motion for the entire day.  Billy ate a breakfast at the RV park's commons area while I slept in yet again.  Then off we went to complete our tour of Yellowstone.  No trip to Yellowstone is complete without viewing Old Faithful.  We found it to be rather anticlimatic since we prefer finding lonely geisers who only spout every now and then.  Saw some beautiful waterfalls and mountain streams today.  I so fondly remember Sunday afternoons when I was kid.  Our family, including a few cousins, would take off into the foothills of the mountains where we always lived in search of deep woods along the sides of the road that contained streams, waterfalls and the all important swinging vines.  With barefeet and bare chests (we were young!) we would stomp through the streams making up our own rhymes and swing down hillsides on the vines.  All the better if the swinging vine traversed us over the stream.  We picked up hickory nuts, ate wild blackberries and persimmons.  Our parents were busy digging up wild dogwoods, rhododendrum and wild azaelas to transplant in our yards while we were frolicing.  Those are wonderful memories minus the memories of the chigger bites that we sustained!  After an afternnoon of exploration would usually enjoy a picnic that always included pickled eggs.  Life was good in those days.

We changed our plans made in jello and will depart Yellowstone Monday rather than Wednesday.  We have seen it all although I want to go once more at dusk to see the "buffalo parade" down the middle of the highway.  With a headache I slept soundly for 15 hours last night so I am rearing to get out to enjoy the day. "Life is Good Today!"  Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. you should head over to the sawtooth mountains in ID next. so beautiful up around sun valley, ketchum and up to stanley and beyond. you could go see some ghost towns too. lol craters of the moon park is not far from the west side of Yellowstone. lava rock only there.
